Education  and Training Translation Services

The Importance of Accuracy

Education and training can have a huge impact on both businesses and people in general.  When the materials are inaccurately translated, the consequences can be substantial:

Failure to educate.  The first point to make is that poorly translated educational materials will fail to actually educate!  Education materials will often cover some complex subjects, so it’s vital that the specifics of the topic are translated accurately.  Otherwise the text could end up being at best confusing, and at worst nonsensical.

Ineffective testing.  Anyone sitting an exam deserves a fair test.  Any poorly phrased questions could end up confusing the person sitting the exam.  It may be – as in the case of a multiple-choice exam – that the supplied answers don’t even make sense in relation to the question.

Inefficient professional training.  A number of the materials that we translate are for professional firms looking to develop their staff.  If the training materials used aren’t completely accurate, this could confuse staff and lead to professional negligence.  If the company deals with heavy machinery or electrical equipment, for example, the consequences of this could be fatal.

Wasted money.  The chances are that if you’re planning to have some educational materials translated, your firm is already heavily invested in them.  If the materials are distributed with inaccuracies, they will be less effective and a substantial percentage of your investment could be wasted.

Why work with us?

There are a number of reasons why we believe that Sona Translate is best placed to help you translate your education and training materials.

We provide accurate, reliable results. We pride ourselves on the highest levels of accuracy.  You can be sure that our translations are of the highest possible standard.

Our translators are genuine mother-tongue speakers. They know the ins and outs of their language, so there’s no risk of your materials sending out the wrong message or, even worse, offending people.

We have experience in the field. Educational and training materials present their own unique challenges. Our specialists know the pitfalls to look out for, and have the know-how necessary to achieve outstanding resultsThere are a number of reasons why we believe that The Language Factory is best placed to help you translate your education and training materials.

Peace of mind

We’ll manage the process. Our skilled project managers will ensure that even the most complicated projects are delivered on-time and accurately. If you’ve got a huge, multi-platform set of educational materials that need translating, and a tight deadline to work to, we can help.

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